Frontline Events

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Events from this organiser

The 1st Patrol – Vietnam

Pathfinder Airsoft llatyrafel Farm, Aberdulais, West Glamorgan, United Kingdom

July 1968, Central Highlands, US forces have intel leading to a small trail near a local patrol base. This trail is believed to be used for Vietcong to smuggle, weapons, opium with intent to supply other VC units in the south. The trail is protected by Local VC and there have been sightings of PAVN...


Matanikau Patrol

Pathfinder Airsoft llatyrafel Farm, Aberdulais, West Glamorgan, United Kingdom

The Matanikau River of Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, is located in the northwest part of the island. It runs from South West to North East through various terrain. In the South there are many hills densely forested and to the North it begins to plateau towards the coastline. On 7 August 1942, Allied forces (primarily American)...


Hackett’s Charge

Dorset Paintball Berewood Oak Cottage, Wareham, Dorset, United Kingdom

Operation Market Garden was an Allied military operation during the Second World War in the Netherlands from 17 to 27 September 1944. In the thick of the fighting was Brigadier Hackett, rifle and bayonet in hand, organised a charge to clear the enemy from a hollow in the Wolfheze woods; there he gathered 150 men,...


Ascending Harriet

Pathfinder Airsoft llatyrafel Farm, Aberdulais, West Glamorgan, United Kingdom